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Long Term Care Insurance

About 70% of people over age 65 need long-term care that often isn’t covered by standard medical insurance. Some people need this care all of their lives. Whether paying for nursing home or home health services, long-term care insurance offers the control that most Americans want over their future health care decisions. 

Now, AIA members can get this control through an AIA Trust partnership with Long Term Care Resources (LTCR). The AIA Trust Long Term Care Insurance program offers AIA members access to top-rated plans at discounted rates. LTCR monitors information on rates and benefits from the top 20-plus carriers in the long-term care insurance market, selecting only the best carriers and offering individualized plans to fit your needs and budget.  

In addition, you’ll receive the LTCRplus service to help you navigate your long-term care needs. Use this service to:

  • Find solutions to pay for long-term care 
  • Identify and evaluate quality care solutions 
  • Objectively review the care provided to a loved one
  • Create important legal documents for the future


Take the next step
Learn more from our provider

(844) 582 7587

If you’re interested in a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, contact (844) 582 7587 at LTCR for alternatives.