Resource Type: Article

Saving for Retirement and College

You want to retire comfortably when the time comes. You also want to help your child go to college. How do you juggle the two? Saving for your retirement and your child’s education at the same time can be a challenge–but you may be able to reach both goals if you make some smart choices…

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Choosing Your Beneficiary

Setting up and participating in a retirement plan are important parts of an architect’s financial future. When you have a retirement plan, it is important to name a beneficiary.  Understanding the options involved in setting a retirement plan beneficiary is an important part of your decision-making. Selecting beneficiaries for retirement benefits is different from choosing…

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The Truth About Pet Health Insurance

Approximately 2.43 million pets were insured in the United States by the end of 2018 – an increase of more than 17% in one year. While pet insurance is increasingly popular, you need to determine if it is right for you. Learn more about this new member benefit. What is pet health insurance? Pet insurance…

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Pandemic Risks to Your Firm

Emergency management is the process of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an emergency situation and the subsequent business disruption. The current viral pandemic should remind professional service firms to update their plans to address possible interruptions related to mass illnesses. All firms should reassess their abilities to meet contractual obligations and business continuity…

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What Can You Do About Your Cash Flow?

One major effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is its effect on the economy and the cash flow issues it is creating for small business owners of all types–including architectural firms. Should you consider borrowing from your 401(k) now? As an architect, if you have a 401(k) plan at work and need some cash, you might…

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COVID-19: What About My Insurance?

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed nearly everything in our lives and in architectural practice. There are some resulting insurance issues that are important to consider and address.  Taking charge of your insurance premiums Professional liability policies are priced as a percentage of revenue.  Given the current situation which may result in less business for your…

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Relying on Manufacturer Representations

One of the issues faced increasingly by design firms is whether they have a right to rely on the information provided by manufacturers of products, materials, and systems. The standard of care states that if the reliance of the design firm on a manufacturer’s information or representations is reasonable at the time of the design…

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Never Too Soon to Start

If you’re relatively new to practice, you may think that you can deal with retirement planning much later. But it takes years to accumulate the savings you’ll need for an ideal retirement. It’s well worth spending time now to strategize how you’ll get from here to there–even if retirement is many years in your future.…

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Is Life Insurance for Single People?

Many people assume that life insurance is only for married couples and those with kids. While it is true that all single people may not need life insurance, there are some important reasons to consider it.   You have student loan debt.  Debt doesn’t die with you. While the loans through the federal government are…

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