
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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Bodily Injury Claims: More Shock than Severity
When a claim is brought against an architectural firm alleging that an injury or death…
Recovering Litigation Costs by the Prevailing Party
Clients of architecture firms are increasingly mandating “prevailing party” contractual provisions that allow the successful…
Tips & Guidelines for Working with Attorneys
Providing fact testimony When a lawsuit is filed against an architecture firm for services it…
Sureties Pursue Design Firms for Recovery of Losses
When a surety has to take over a project from a defaulting contractor, the surety…
Blurring the Legal Concept of Intellectual Property
Increasingly, all project stakeholders will be challenged by the blending of design services related to…
Group Variable Annuity Contract: Misconceptions versus Reality
Group Variable Annuity Contract sounds like a complex term, but the reality is much simpler…
Professional Service Firms Should Have Health and Safety Plans
Many professional service firms seem to think that health and safety rules are requirements for…
Educational Opportunities
In cooperation with AIA/CES, the AIA Trust provides opportunities for AIA Members to earn learning…
Professional Liability Insurance Definitions
ADMITTED (or LICENSED) Carrier is an insurance company licensed and authorized to do business in…
Decision-Making Tips for Buying Insurance
The AIA Trust has assembled resources to help you to better understand what to look…
Firm & Employee Coverage
The AIA Trust understands that many AIA Members have small firms or are sole proprietors—yet…
Employment Practices and Social Media
The proliferation of social media has transformed the way people communicate with each other. Platforms…
Joint Ventures Should Anticipate Professional Liability Claims
A joint venture is essentially a partnership, but only for a specific, and usually limited,…
Statutes of Repose Can Be Vital in Limiting Exposure
It seems that during each cycle of the state legislative sessions, efforts are made either…
Can a Design Professional Be in Absolute Compliance with the Law?
There are two kinds of clients who insist in a contract that a design professional…