
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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Who Owns the Instruments of Service?
It is not uncommon for clients to request ownership of your plans and specifications. Corporate…
Project Documentation: To Write or Not To Write
In suits alleging negligence in the performance of professional services, well-drafted documents and well-kept, comprehensive…
Insurance Concerns in Mergers and Acquisitions
As architects continue to face economic challenges in the architectural and broader economic community, merger…
Project-Based IPD Insurance Coverage
The shared-risk/shared-profit collaborative nature of Integrated Project Delivery results in many aspects of the relationship…
Lender Assignment and Certification Requirements
In today’s economic climate, more and more, architects are being asked to address client issues…
Protecting Your Firm When Going Green
In order to protect your firm, contractual provisions such as disclaimers and other exculpatory language…
To Shred or Not to Shred
Every firm has documents that should be destroyed, not simply discarded. Documents must be destroyed…
Top 10 List of Long-Term Care Policy Considerations
Long-term care insurance is a relatively new type of insurance coverage that transfers the risk…
Building Information Modeling and the Transition to Integrated Project Delivery
In its most basic form, building information modeling (BIM) is the move from analog to…
Straightforward Advice on Preserving Cash Flow
Professional service firms need to set appropriate fees for their services and collect those fees…