Category: Uncategorized


Do you know? Virtually everything can go wrong!

Welcome to the “new normal” – a seemingly alternate universe where working in an office has become burdensome and employers and employees alike are often at odds as to what a work-life balance looks like.  As if the practice of architecture wasn’t complicated enough, our post-pandemic reality challenges firms to adjust to a remote workforce…

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Meet our 2024 Chair

Passionate in his pursuit of continuous engagement and advocacy for design and the profession, Jeff Yrazabal, AIA is leading the AIA Trust into 2024 as Chair. AIA has proven to be a steadfast way to harness this passion with other roles through the years which include past Co-Chair of AIA Portland COTE, President of AIA…

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The consultant behind the curtain

  Conventional wisdom dictates that all successful construction projects have a great team. The project team is typically viewed as being the Client, Architect, and Contractor. However, other seldom discussed yet equally vital members of the team, are the Owner’s financial partners, which includes Lenders and Investors, along with their Construction Consultants.

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Grandfathered Plans: ACA Fact Sheet for firms

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law on March 23, 2010. Most health insurance plans in effect on that date were eligible for “Grandfather” status and as such, they do not have to meet all of the requirements of the ACA. Do You Have a “Grandfathered” Plan? Grandfathered Plans are employer-provided health plans…

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HR 3590: Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act

Note: The AIA Trust is pleased to provide these updates annually.  The below information was reviewed and edited in 2023 to prepare firms for 2024. This review has been prepared for the AIA Trust as an aid to AIA Members in understanding the requirements and impact of the 2010 health care reform legislation.  The health…

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Health Insurance for Employee Architects

Note: The AIA Trust is pleased to provide these updates annually.  The below information was reviewed and edited in 2023 to prepare firms for 2024.   It is critically important that all architects have health insurance coverage for themselves and their families.  Often younger people believe they are in good health and since health insurance…

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Health Insurance for Small Firms

Note: The AIA Trust is pleased to provide these updates annually.  The below information was reviewed and edited in 2023 to prepare firms for 2024. What Happened to the Small Employer Insurance Market? As the cost of providing medical care increased in the mid-eighties, employers and insurers tried a variety of tactics to slow it…

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Why Should Architectural Firms Consider Selling to an ESOP?

By: Steven Greenapple, SES ESOP Strategies, a Stevens & Lee Company When contemplating a sale of their business, the owners of a Company have several alternatives to consider. They can (1) sell to a financial investor (private equity or family office); (2) sell to a strategic investor (another business who wants to expand into the…

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