
Driving Green

Driving Green is more important than ever today to conserve fuel and protect the environment. With gasoline prices on the rise and increasing reports about the impact of greenhouse gases on the environment, now is the time to rethink how you may typically drive and maintain your vehicles.

Try following these tips to increase your fuel efficiency.


  • Consider a hybrid car that uses less gas, creates less pollution, and gets better mileage.
  • Avoid idling for more than 30 seconds. Save gas by turning off your engine.
  • Eliminate excess weight from your trunk and luggage racks.
  • Use air conditioning conservatively to consume less fuel and decrease emissions.
  • Avoid “jackrabbit” stops and starts that can dramatically reduce mileage on the highway and in the city.


  • Follow the recommendations for fuel octane in your manual and use higher octane gas only if it’s recommended.
  • Use “energy-conserving” motor oil that contains friction-reducing additives to improve fuel economy. Conform to the manufacturer’s recommendation when changing oil.
  • Keep your tires properly inflated to save 2-3% in fuel economy. Tires can lose one pound of pressure per month.
  • Follow a preventative maintenance schedule according to your manual’s guidelines to enhance engine performance.


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