Topic: Safety & Property


Copyright: Do you know?

Few put copyright at the top of their list of must-haves in contract negotiations. Fewer register documents for copyright protection. Copyright protections under current law exist for you and LegaLine explains more:

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Driving in Winter

Driving safety is of the utmost importance when a winter storm rolls in. Various types of weather events can significantly affect how you drive, and different situations call for very specific steps to stay safe. These tips can help you stay in control of your vehicle as you navigate the roadways.

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5 Ways to Avoid Buying Flood-Damaged Cars

A used car is a great way to get around without breaking the bank—unless it has undetected flood damage. In that case, you could inherit problems like short-circuited electronics, overheated engines, and warped brakes–all of which could put your safety at risk.

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Component Insurance Primer

Because the AIA Trust offers numerous varieties of insurance to AIA members as well as components, we frequently receive questions from AIA components about chapter-specific insurance – such as event cancellation insurance and liability insurance.  Since many components do not carry this kind of insurance, the market is not sufficient for the AIA Trust to…

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Traveling with Your Pets

Summer is here and nothing helps to shake off winter’s icy chill like a relaxing weekend away with your favorite furry friend! Taking your pet on a trip can be an unforgettable experience. Road Travel Before hitting the road, have your dog burn off some energy with a brisk walk around the block or a…

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Safety & Other

Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

Hurricanes are unwelcome anywhere, but it’s crucial to prepare for the worst before a storm is threatening your region. Early preparedness is the best way to get peace of mind and avoid major headaches following a storm—not to mention keeping you, your family, and your property safe and secure during a hurricane. The most important…

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Safe Driving at Night

By Katrina Brown Hunt It’s not just paranoia: Driving at night is actually more dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatal accidents are three times more likely at night compared with the daytime–but here are 12 tips that could help reduce your risk. The main reason that NHTSA finds driving at night is…

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The Truth About Pet Health Insurance

Approximately 2.43 million pets were insured in the United States by the end of 2018 – an increase of more than 17% in one year. While pet insurance is increasingly popular, you need to determine if it is right for you. Learn more about this new member benefit. What is pet health insurance? Pet insurance…

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Employee Benefits Safety & Other

New Member Benefit: Save Money

We are pleased to announce that GEICO is now part of the special AIA member benefit offerings offered to you by the AIA Trust for members and component staff of the American Institute of Architects. With a track record of more than 75 years, GEICO now extends its low rates along with a special membership…

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