Topic: Climate Change


Embodied Carbon Reduction in the Built Environment

Earlier this year, the US passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, with $369 billion in funding intended to cut climate pollution in half by 2030 (from 2005 levels). The private sector is also embracing capital-allocation strategies that take environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues into account with their business practices. Over the next few…

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The Effect of Economic Conditions on Insurance Rates

In today’s environment, when material prices are unpredictable, inflation is rising, claims are increasing, and disputes take much longer to resolve, that prediction of the cost of future claims becomes more uncertain. Learn how construction-related professional service firms may face certain future exposures, and how insurers must anticipate and prepare for losses from those exposures.

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Demystifying ESG for Design Firms: Risks and Opportunities

Simply put, ESG is an acronym that stands for environmental, social, and governance and is a framework for financial institutions to understand better a company’s sustainability profile and their risks. However, what exactly do the categories of E, S, and G measure and why (as well as how to measure) is the challenge that companies…

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AIA Climate Impact Survey

The rapidly changing climate is on everyone’s mind, whether the impact is felt with immediacy as severe weather in one’s own locality or the unease experienced from recent climate reports and increasing events that impact every place across the globe.  The message for architects is becoming clearer every day – that the profession has a…

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Climate Impact on Professional Liability

AIA’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan states that the mission of AIA is to “inspire and empower architects to improve society and transform the world.”  A key tool to enabling architects to fulfill this mission is developing a better understanding of architect’s liability as the world changes around us.  And professional liability is evolving due to climate…

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A New Sustainable Standard for Architects

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is a system of criteria related to the environment, social equity, governance and supply chain practices that measure how investments and services can be scored and screened regarding sustainability. Why is this important  to you as a design professional? Let’s first define ESG.  The four components when considering ESG criteria…

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Global Climate Talks: Connecting the Dots to Architecture

The COP26 (Conference of the Parties) climate talks took place in Glasgow over the first two weeks of November. These meetings between heads of state around the world may seem far removed from your daily business concerns, but in reality, the actions taken and resulting agreements may have far-reaching consequences for your business model, including…

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Taking the Lead to Address Climate Change

As the climate changes and extreme climate variability characterizes our daily lives, design firms must respond in their solutions for the built environment. This webinar held on 10/18/21 discusses the challenges that professionals face, strategies for managing risks, and the support that professional liability insurance provides while firm provide innovative and productive solutions through their…

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