
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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Why should Architectural Firms consider selling to an ESOP?
You checked nearly all the boxes: you toiled, you worked, and you’re seeing the next…
Transitioning Your Firm for What’s Next
The AIA Trust organized a panel discussion for the virtual 2021 AIA Conference on Architecture.…
Advice to Potential New Principals
So, you have been invited to become a principal in your firm? Congratulations! Now, what…
Ownership Transition: Developing Future Firm Leadership
A session about Ownership Transition: Developing Future Firm Leadership was presented at A’19, the AIA…
Firm Valuation Service Providers
When considering firm ownership transition–whether internal or external acquisition or a merger, employee stock ownership…
Making the Transition to Running Your Own Firm
In operating a professional practice as a private business, a licensed design professional faces many…
Extended Reporting Periods: What Are They and Why Do You Need Them?
Whether your firm is closing its doors, acquiring or merging with another firm, or wondering…
Coping with Inevitable Firm Transitions
Every firm has a life-cycle. Professionals leave firms to practice individually or to join another…
Selling, Merging, or Closing Your Practice
Often overlooked until partners are considering retirement, ownership transition is a vital strategic planning step…
Insurance Concerns in Mergers and Acquisitions
As architects continue to face economic challenges in the architectural and broader economic community, merger…