
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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Insurance Beyond D&O
This webinar is about directors & officers (D&O), general liability and other insurances, plus types…
Strategies for Managing Risk on Design/Build Teams
When you are looking to pick up the right contractor for your Design/Build team, the…
Designing for Hedonism: Guide to Brewery Design
The production and retail sale of alcohol has a long history in the United States,…
Disability, Accessibility & Liability: What an Architect Should Know
All architects understand the importance of accessibility, but this AIA Trust report about disability, accessibility…
Insurance Checklist
Be sure you have the coverage you need to run your firm successfully. Review this…
Creating and Maintaining a Professional Practice
Watch this archived webinar to learn what is needed to start and run a successful…
Managing Professional Exposures as a Small Project Practitioner
This 60-minute webinar on Managing Professional Exposures as a Small Project Practitioner presented by Frank…
The Changing Rules and Continuing Challenges of Employment Practices
This one-hour webinar will help architecture firms address how to handle the complexity of employment…
Get Ahead of Cyber Risk Webinar
Learn how to avoid the professional and business liability implications of this increasing digital threat.…
Virtual Architectural Practice–An Alternate Reality
Learn about the many benefits of a virtual practice approach–as well as the risks you’ll…
Structuring Success: How to Start and Run Your Own Firm
Starting an architectural firm is a challenge; structuring it to survive is a formidable task.…
Blockchain 101
Understanding blockchain technology and potential use cases and applications that could impact architects is the…
Healthcare Coverage For Individuals and Sole Proprietors
This 30-minute webinar about healthcare coverage for individuals and sole proprietors is presented by Pendella*…
Healthcare Coverage For Firms with Employees
This 30-minute webinar about health care coverage for firms and employees is presented by Get…
Negotiating Contracts: Understand Your Risks
Architects are often faced with unreasonable contractual provisions generated by prospective clients or their attorneys.…
Design Firms Serving as Code Examiners
For a number of reasons, including budgetary cutbacks, lack of skilled workers, and staffing demands…
Closing the Gap
When you determine how much income you’ll need in retirement, you may base your projection…