
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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What to Do About Employee Benefits
Employee benefits are often defined as compensation paid by an employer to an employee over…
Preventing Employee Lawsuits
Small firms are the most vulnerable to crises, disasters, and lawsuits. In fact, according to…
Employee Onboarding Best Practices
Leadership can be defined as the ability to influence, empower, and inspire others so that…
Retirement calculator
Make meaningful progress toward a more confident future in just a few minutes. View the…
Ownership Transition: Developing Future Firm Leadership
A session about Ownership Transition: Developing Future Firm Leadership was presented at A’19, the AIA…
Firm Valuation Service Providers
When considering firm ownership transition–whether internal or external acquisition or a merger, employee stock ownership…
Making the Transition to Running Your Own Firm
In operating a professional practice as a private business, a licensed design professional faces many…
Extended Reporting Periods: What Are They and Why Do You Need Them?
Whether your firm is closing its doors, acquiring or merging with another firm, or wondering…
Financial Planning Guide
This guide will help you determine your financial planning needs, with suggested timelines, asset allocation,…
An Architect’s Guide to Buying Cyber Liability Coverage
Cyber Liability has become a hot topic due to high profile cyberattacks. Increasing awareness has…
Understanding Property Insurance
Design firms should understand the need for proper insurance to cover the loss or damage…
Understanding Commercial General Liability
Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance is an important coverage for any business. Understanding this coverage…
Business Owners Insurance: FAQs
This FAQ on Business Owners Insurance (BOP) will answer pressing questions such as: What is…
How Effective Risk Management Training Can Address Potential Indicators of Risk
When weighing the risks of design and construction professionals, professional liability underwriters typically look at…
Selecting Professional Liability Insurance and a Broker
When you are awake at night worrying whether or not your proposal to a prospective…
Making Energy Efficiency Permanent
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA), which was signed into law on December 27, 2020,…