
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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15-Minute Home Workout Ideas
Many of us have gotten creative with our workouts when gyms closed due to the…
Videoconferencing Can Raise Professional Liability Exposures
Design firms have changed their practice management procedures because of pandemic-related restrictions placed on office…
The Truth About Pet Health Insurance
Approximately 2.43 million pets were insured in the United States by the end of 2018…
Pandemic Risks to Your Firm
Emergency management is the process of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an emergency…
COVID-19: What About My Insurance?
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed nearly everything in our lives and in architectural practice. There…
The Threat is Real: Cyber Attacks Against Architectural Firms
Many architectural firms are tempted into believing they’re safe from cyberattacks because they don’t consider…
Relying on Manufacturer Representations
One of the issues faced increasingly by design firms is whether they have a right…
Controlling Delays or Extras to Focus on Success
Contractors and clients frequently make claims against design professionals for damages resulting from construction delays.…
An Architect’s Guide to P3s
By Robin G. Banks, Esq. Licensed to practice law in Maryland and DC, Robin G.…
Protecting Your Practice from Others’ Negligence
When a design professional agrees to provide services for a client, that design professional assumes…
What Do You Need to Start a Successful Practice?
If you are thinking about or planning to start your own practice, what should you…