
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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How Do You Plan to Retire?
As an architect, you know that starting with a comprehensive plan and building a good…
Green Design – What Can Go Wrong?
Over the last 25 years, the green design movement has grown but fortunately, despite predictions,…
How Technology is Democratizing the Built Environment
“Democracy is messy, and it’s hard” said Robert Kennedy, Jr. about the political landscape. Current…
Travel Insurance: What is Covered?
If you travel for your job or for pleasure–or both–travel assistance services are important to…
Blockchain: 5 Things to Know Now
While the conventional wisdom around blockchain is that it’s a technology only affecting financial markets,…
Walking the Thin Line on Indemnification
With increasing frequency, architects and other design professionals are being asked (and in some cases,…
How Employment Lawsuits Can Destroy Your Firm
Small firms are the most vulnerable to crises, disasters, and lawsuits. In fact, according to…
Solving the Long Term Care Puzzle
Assuring quality long term care for a loved one is far more complex than simply…
The Reality of Virtual Architectural Practice
A webinar, Virtual Architectural Practice—An Alternate Reality, presented by the AIA Trust in partnership with…
Coping with Inevitable Firm Transitions
Every firm has a life-cycle. Professionals leave firms to practice individually or to join another…
Could Your Firm Use a PEO?
A Professional Employer Organization, or PEO, also referred to as HR outsourcing, is a business…
Growth versus Value Stock Investments
If you are like many architects, you understand the value of saving for the future…
The Perils of Substitutions
Substitutions are ingrained in the project delivery process. Potential cost savings lead others to assume…
An Architect’s Guide to Managing Cyber Threats
By Victor Insurance Managers LLC Summary It can happen to anyone. An event on a…
An Architect’s Guide to Flood Insurance
By Insurance Buyers Council, Inc. Since 1948, Insurance Buyers’ Council, Inc. (IBC) has a mission…