
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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Technology and Transformation in Architecture
Integrating architectural services into a more collaborative design and construction process is transforming practice today.…
Take Cyber Liability Exposures Seriously
Professional service firms are facing an increased exposure to cyber liability. According to Victor, many…
Yearly Financial Checklist
A new year is an excellent time to consider how you’re doing financially and set…
An Architect’s Guide to Using Drones
By Michael J. Corso, Esq. Michael J. Corso is Florida Bar Board Certified in Civil…
Ten Things To Know About P3s
In her role as Director of Victor’s Risk Management Services, Yvonne Castillo will be expanding…
Protect Your Firm from Ransomware Disaster
In this age of increasing cyber crime, professional service firms either have been victims of…
Materials Transparency: Opportunities and Risks
Materials transparency refers to an advocacy movement that promotes requiring manufacturers to fully disclose the…
Architecture Firm Insurance
Is Your Firm Covered? A design professional encounters many risks that can result in financial…
Navigating Risk in Digital Practice
The report, BIM Me Up, Scotty: Navigating Risk in Digital Practice, is your chance to…
What is Key Person Life Insurance?
Key Person Insurance is life insurance coverage usually owned by the business on the key…
Don’t Neglect Four Important Risk Mitigation Techniques
Any professional practice includes risk. How a firm handles that risk is critical to its…
What Do You Need to Know About Life Insurance?
First off, do you even need life insurance? If anyone currently relies on you financially,…
To Have and to Hold, in Sickness and in Health: Strategies for Managing Risk on Design/Build Teams
By Jonathan C. Shoemaker, Esq. Before joining a team to submit a proposal on a…
Contractor Termination Lawsuits: The Architect’s Risks and How to Manage Them
When the terminator shows up, you must be ready. Termination of the contractor on a…
The ABC’s of E-data: A Discussion Related to the Issues Raised by Electronic Information
As the law pertaining to electronic data evolves, architecture firms must understand the issues around…
A Sustainable Standard Of Care
The “standard of care” is the prevailing benchmark of professional practice in architecture and design…
Undertaking A “Fiduciary Duty”: Crucial Legal & Professional Considerations For Architects
The typical complaint against an architect starts with the plaintiff laying out his story of…