
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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Four Keys to a Successful Condominium Project
Condominium work for developers, construction managers, contractors, and design firms continues to be strong after…
Designing for Hedonism: Guide to Marijuana Facilities Design
While the production and retail sale of alcohol has a long history in the United…
How Independent Reviews Help Manage Firm Exposure
The likelihood of design deliverables being released for approval or actual construction while containing negligent…
Quick Reference: Risk Resource Review
As a risk management resource for AIA Members, the AIA Trust develops risk reports on…
Discovering Your Electronic Data
As the law pertaining to electronic data evolves, architecture firms must understand the issues around…
Getting Paid Without Getting Sued
Without payment for services, design firms will suffer, starve, and even die. Importantly, payment issues…
If You Build It, They Will Sue
Architects are increasingly exposed to potential future claims and lawsuits brought by homeowners and the…
Designing for the Future: Avoiding Intellectual Property Claims
From 2009 through 2018, almost all intellectual property claims against design professionals in the Victor…
5 Tips on Whether to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance
One of the most difficult decisions in long-term care planning is whether to purchase long-term…