Topic: Retirement & financial planning

What Can You Do About Your Cash Flow?

One major effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is its effect on the economy and the cash flow issues it is creating for small business owners of all types–including architectural firms. Should you consider borrowing from your 401(k) now? As an architect, if you have a 401(k) plan at work and need some cash, you might…

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Never Too Soon to Start

If you’re relatively new to practice, you may think that you can deal with retirement planning much later. But it takes years to accumulate the savings you’ll need for an ideal retirement. It’s well worth spending time now to strategize how you’ll get from here to there–even if retirement is many years in your future.…

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Why Consider an Individual 401(k) Plan?

If you’re an architect who is self-employed or receives 1099 income as an independent contractor, you know that it’s up to you to establish a retirement plan. But do you understand the various approaches available to you, such as an individual 401(k) plan, and which may best suit you and your situation? If you’ve done…

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Nurturing Financial Wellness at Your Firm

Financial wellness is one of the top trends in employee benefits right now because it has a good return on investment. When done right, it benefits both the employees of small businesses and their employers. It may seem like it’s outside the interest of employers to help employees deal with their individual financial issues. In…

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How Do You Plan to Retire?

As an architect, you know that starting with a comprehensive plan and building a good foundation is essential for success. You would never begin a project without a blueprint and process in place – but that’s exactly what many architects do when it comes to retirement planning.               Many…

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Are Annuities A Good Thing?

As an architect saving towards retirement, you know that employer-sponsored plans, such as 401(k)s and IRAs, are the best ways to invest for retirement. While both are good options, if you’ve already maxed out your contributions to those accounts and want to save more, an annuity may be a good investment to investigate.    …

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Solving the Long Term Care Puzzle

Assuring quality long term care for a loved one is far more complex than simply arranging for care and figuring out how to fund it. There are many legal and financial issues and obstacles that arise. While insurance is a key component to funding long term care, assuring quality care and dealing with the legal…

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Growth versus Value Stock Investments

If you are like many architects, you understand the value of saving for the future and proactively contributing to your retirement accounts. As a firm owner or as an employee of an architecture firm, there are many retirement savings options such as a 401(k) plan or an IRA product. But once retirement assets begin to…

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How to Protect Those You Love

Until you are left reeling from the untimely death of a loved one, you may not fully understand or appreciate the importance of life insurance and the critical role it can play during that difficult time. Your children, spouse or significant other, parents or other family members, are the ones whose futures you want to…

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Facts You Need About Disability Insurance

For most architects, the idea that one could become disabled due to an illness or injury seems pretty remote. No matter how many times one may say, “It will never happen to me,” there’s no getting around the fact that it does happen—everyday—to people just like you. So what should you know about disability insurance?…

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