Topic: Safety & Property

Safety & Other

Sharing the Road Safely with Cyclists

Pedal power is growing all over the country. Bike lanes are popping up everywhere and bike-riding has more than doubled in some cities. But the mismatch between a massive vehicle and a lightweight bicycle frame can have tragic consequences. Here are some ways to reduce the danger when sharing the road with cyclists: Defensive driving…

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Safety & Other

Tire Tips to Help Ensure Road Safety

Under-inflated tires are a leading cause of auto crashes. Typically, they lead to uneven treads or overheating which could result in a flat or a blowout. Therefore, keeping your tires properly inflated can make a big difference in your safety. As an added bonus, it can also improve your gas mileage by 3.3%. There are…

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Safety & Other

Fall Maintenance

It’s time for fall maintenance on your home to tackle any trouble spots outside before winter arrives. It’s a good idea to start with outside jobs before it gets too cold and rainy. For some tasks, such as electrical or plumbing problems, it may be best to use licensed professionals. Here is a list of…

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Professional Service Firms Should Have Health and Safety Plans

Many professional service firms seem to think that health and safety rules are requirements for contractors and others performing construction work. Firms often are surprised or confused when a potential client requires that they submit their health and safety plans as a contractual requirement. All employers are responsible for the health and safety of their…

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Safety & Other

Winter Behind the Wheel

Because driving in winter conditions is fraught with hazards such as icy roads, poor visibility, and the threat of snowstorms, consider the following questions before getting behind the wheel and putting safety at risk. Is this trip absolutely necessary? If you can wait out a storm or until roads are cleared, don’t take the risk.…

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Firm Policies Restricting Communications in Vehicles

The National Safety Council now estimates that cell phone use increases auto accident risk by a factor of four. Many, if not most, company policies on the use of cell phones for enacting company business while driving ban the use of hand-held devices but make an exception for hands-free cell phone usage. This often is…

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Life & Health Safety & Other

Insuring Against College Calamities

If you’re the parent of dependent college students living away from home, you may not be aware that your homeowner’s policy will cover their personal property and personal liability. Personal property coverage Although limits and coverage vary by state, as long as your children’s permanent residence is your home, their personal property is automatically covered…

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Do You Need Flood Insurance?

You may think you need flood insurance only if you live near water. Think again. Floods can be caused by heavy rainfall, melting snow, clogged drainage systems and broken levees. All it takes is a few inches of water to cause major damage to your home and belongings.

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Life & Health Safety & Other

Preventing Road Rage

How can you manage anger or defuse a scary encounter on the road? An expert, Dave Melton, Transportation Safety Specialist at the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, says “Every day, thousands of drivers experience some form of road rage or aggressive driving.” Melton offers steps for avoiding a road rage situation—or getting away from…

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Safety & Other

Keep Your Own House In Order

Scrambling at work for clients and bringing in new business may lessen focus on one’s own home front. It’s important to focus on fall home maintenance to tackle any trouble spots before winter arrives. Now is the time to start outside jobs before it turns cold and rainy (or snowy). Some tasks may require scheduling…

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