Resource Type: Newsletter

Disabled Architect Illustrates Disability Risks

In December 2007, the sky seemingly fell on 39-year-old architect Robert Woo near ground zero while he sat in his trailer office working as associate architect on the Goldman Sachs office tower project. A crane cable snapped, dropping 7 tons of steel from a 25-floor elevation onto Woo’s trailer. Lucky to be alive at all,…

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Safety & Other

Fall Maintenance

It’s time for fall maintenance on your home to tackle any trouble spots outside before winter arrives. It’s a good idea to start with outside jobs before it gets too cold and rainy. For some tasks, such as electrical or plumbing problems, it may be best to use licensed professionals. Here is a list of…

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Safety & Other

Winter Behind the Wheel

Because driving in winter conditions is fraught with hazards such as icy roads, poor visibility, and the threat of snowstorms, consider the following questions before getting behind the wheel and putting safety at risk. Is this trip absolutely necessary? If you can wait out a storm or until roads are cleared, don’t take the risk.…

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Firm Policies Restricting Communications in Vehicles

The National Safety Council now estimates that cell phone use increases auto accident risk by a factor of four. Many, if not most, company policies on the use of cell phones for enacting company business while driving ban the use of hand-held devices but make an exception for hands-free cell phone usage. This often is…

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Life & Health Safety & Other

Insuring Against College Calamities

If you’re the parent of dependent college students living away from home, you may not be aware that your homeowner’s policy will cover their personal property and personal liability. Personal property coverage Although limits and coverage vary by state, as long as your children’s permanent residence is your home, their personal property is automatically covered…

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Do You Need Flood Insurance?

You may think you need flood insurance only if you live near water. Think again. Floods can be caused by heavy rainfall, melting snow, clogged drainage systems and broken levees. All it takes is a few inches of water to cause major damage to your home and belongings.

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An Accident-Free Workplace

National Safety Month focuses on preventative measures that employees can take to maintain an accident-free workplace. In keeping with that mission, here are some best practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine to ensure the safety of you and your colleagues.

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Business Coverage

Don’t Be a Victim of the “Fiduciary” Label

The AIA Trust risk report on the crucial legal & professional considerations for architects regarding fiduciary duty offers no surprise about lawsuits founded upon professional malpractice or the breach of a professional services agreement against design professionals. However, concerns may arise when a design professional is also sued for the breach of a fiduciary duty.…

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Life & Health Safety & Other

Preventing Road Rage

How can you manage anger or defuse a scary encounter on the road? An expert, Dave Melton, Transportation Safety Specialist at the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, says “Every day, thousands of drivers experience some form of road rage or aggressive driving.” Melton offers steps for avoiding a road rage situation—or getting away from…

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Life & Health

The Advantages of Securing Your Family’s Future

How do you ensure your family maintains their standard of living if they have to live without you and without your income? When there isn’t enough life protection, surviving loved ones often face very difficult circumstances, having to take out loans, move to smaller, less expensive housing, work additional jobs or longer hours, or forego…

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