Topic: Life & Health

Choosing Your Beneficiary

Setting up and participating in a retirement plan are important parts of an architect’s financial future. When you have a retirement plan, it is important to name a beneficiary.  Understanding the options involved in setting a retirement plan beneficiary is an important part of your decision-making. Selecting beneficiaries for retirement benefits is different from choosing…

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Business Coverage Employee Benefits

How the CARES Act May Assist Self-Employed Architects

The new Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) that was just made into law may provide economic assistance for architects who are self-employed. Under Title II, Assistance for American Workers, Families, and Businesses the Unemployment Insurance Provisions Eligibility, the new law expands the scope of individuals who are eligible for unemployment benefits…

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Business Coverage Life & Health

AIA Trust Programs Assist Members

AIA Trust insurance programs are making efforts to assist AIA member insureds during this uncertain time. For example, New York Life Insurance Company has temporarily extended premium payment periods to ensure that impacted members continue to remain insured even if they are having difficulty making premium payments now.  AIA members under age 50 can now…

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Is Life Insurance for Single People?

Many people assume that life insurance is only for married couples and those with kids. While it is true that all single people may not need life insurance, there are some important reasons to consider it.   You have student loan debt.  Debt doesn’t die with you. While the loans through the federal government are…

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Long Term Care: The Time to Plan is Now

According to a report by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, as baby boomers age, they will have to deal with one of the largest financial risks of their generation: the overwhelming majority of elderly Americans will require long-term care (LTC) in their lifetimes. The expenditure required for long-term care often exceeds retirement income and…

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Travel Insurance: What is Covered?

If you travel for your job or for pleasure–or both–travel assistance services are important to consider so you don’t lose your financial investment in your travel plans–or your life. But do you know what travel insurance really covers? There are two principal types of travel assistance service plans which you can evaluate regarding which best…

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Why I Purchased Life Insurance at 25

Everyone’s situation is different Mine began recently with a bunch of firsts: my first job, my first apartment and my first life insurance plan. I am now 25, single with no children, some disposable income–and life insurance coverage. How did this happen? The conversation began at work. I asked Bill, a colleague and mentor in…

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Employee Benefits Safety & Other

Relationships That Matter

Do good relationships drive success? Architects have many tools available as practitioners, but often cannot hear each other. How can we learn to truly and honestly exchange ideas and information with others? Isn’t good communication the key to good architecture?  Find out some keys to beneficial communication and how to balance relationships to achieve professional…

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Business Coverage Life & Health Professional Liability

Achieving Virtual Work-Life Balance

With everyone busier than ever, most of us are seeking a balance between our work and our personal lives. Technology now enables extensive communications and thereby opportunities that didn’t exist years ago. Nearly every practicing architect engages in some form of “virtual practice” today because responsibilities require it. So, is an entirely virtual practice now…

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