Topic: Safety & Property

Travel Insurance: What is Covered?

If you travel for your job or for pleasure–or both–travel assistance services are important to consider so you don’t lose your financial investment in your travel plans–or your life. But do you know what travel insurance really covers? There are two principal types of travel assistance service plans which you can evaluate regarding which best…

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Business Coverage Professional Liability

Floods Happen—Are You Prepared?

Floods can happen anywhere—more than 20% of flood claims come from properties outside the high-risk flood zone according to FEMA. Architects are impacted by floods through exposures at their offices, their homes, and their client’s properties. So it’s important to understand what flood insurance covers—and what it does not cover—and what you need for your…

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One Trip Away from Financial Crisis

Most people will agree that quality medical insurance is an important part of an individual’s overall health and wellness. However, there is a great deal of variance in the level of coverage offered. In addition, the level of emergency coverage and the type of emergency services included in a medical policy are significant because emergency…

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Safety & Other

Saving Water & Money

Whether you live in a desert or next to a lake, there are good reasons to conserve water. By saving water, you can save money while helping the environment. Here are some ideas for wringing the most use out of your family’s water supply. Seek the Leaks Did you know that there is a national…

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Safety & Other

Recycling—A Green Resolution

Spring is a great time to make a green resolution:  recycling. If you aren’t currently recycling at your home and office, take this opportunity to consider how many resources are saved and what a hugely positive impact recycling makes—and take the necessary steps to get involved. The Problem Here are some numbers from the Environmental…

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Safety & Other

Save on Energy Costs in Winter

Cranking the heat up in winter can make it hard to keep energy costs down. Try these quick tips and save on your home energy bills next winter: Use the sun. During the daytime, open curtains and blinds on the south side of your home to let in natural heat from sunlight. Retain the warmth…

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Safety & Other

The Safe Way to Rent a Car

When you rent a vehicle, it’s important to give it a quick safety check before you leave the rental agency parking lot. Just a few minutes can potentially save you a major headache down the road. Here’s a list of a few important items to look for: Go over the basics. Inspect your vehicle’s tires…

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Life & Health Safety & Other

Springtime Safety and Maintenance Tips

Ready for spring? After such a tough winter, we all are. But before we can fully enjoy springtime, we may first need to clean up some of the damage caused by winter. You can prepare for the upcoming season with these spring home maintenance tips. Siding and Roofing—Check your siding and roofing for loose materials,…

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How to Digitally Archive Your Home

Most people accumulate many possessions over the years. In the case of a loss or theft, this makes having a home inventory essential. You never know when disaster might strike—within minutes, cherished or valuable goods could be ruined. Keeping an archive of your belongings will accelerate the process of replacing damaged property. It will also…

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Safety & Other

Fire Prevention Lessons

Fire is one of the most serious dangers in the home, and the kitchen presents the greatest risk. But wherever a fire starts, there are steps you can take to reduce the danger and help keep your family safe.  Stay in the kitchen. If you are frying, grilling, or broiling food, stay in the kitchen.…

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