
Keep Your Own House In Order

Scrambling at work for clients and bringing in new business may lessen focus on one’s own home front. It’s important to focus on fall home maintenance to tackle any trouble spots before winter arrives. Now is the time to start outside jobs before it turns cold and rainy (or snowy). Some tasks may require scheduling…

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Protect Your Income: Disability Insurance

Disabilities happen every day. According to the Disability Status Report published in 2010 by Cornell University, 40.4% of Americans between the age of 21 and 64 with a disability are unemployed. While these are not things we like to hear and talk about, these are numbers we cannot and should not ignore. Many people believe…

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When Your Wallet Goes AWOL

When your wallet is lost or stolen, it’s tough not to fear the worst—credit card fraud and identity theft. But you can hold the panic at bay by acting quickly and taking a few preventative measures that help protect your credit and reduce your liability. Before Your Wallet Goes A.W.O.L. Because identity theft is on…

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What You Need to Know—About the Changing Standard of Care

The AIA Trust white paper about the evolving standard of care is a topic of vital interest to AIA Members. The standard of care is the prevailing benchmark of professional practice in architecture and design and the threshold of protection under professional liability insurance.  The design professional’s standard of care is generally based on the…

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Employee Benefits Help Maintain Firm Success

Your firm’s success relies on the talent, experience, and dedication of your employees. Without them, your firm may not succeed—which is why most consider their employees to be their most valuable asset. Offering your employees good benefits, including salary, health care coverage, and retirement incentives is key to retaining your top employees and in return,…

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Winter’s Last Blast

You may be dreaming of spring, but don’t forget the cold, hard facts:  Old Man Winter still has plenty of time to deliver a deadly blizzard or ice storm. It’s important to protect yourself during late-season snowstorms—so follow these tips if you lose power in your home or are stranded in your car. At Home…

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Driving Green

Driving Green is more important than ever today to conserve fuel and protect the environment. With gasoline prices on the rise and increasing reports about the impact of greenhouse gases on the environment, now is the time to rethink how you may typically drive and maintain your vehicles. Try following these tips to increase your…

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Tips for Online Safety

The Internet is fertile territory for criminals who devise devious methods to exploit and steal from unsuspecting Web users. But by taking these five important precautions, you can help to keep your finances and personal information safe. It’s always important to guard your private data. Don’t transmit social security, credit card, or bank account routing…

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Brace for Natural Disasters

Storms, especially hurricanes, can cause catastrophic damage along coasts and several hundred miles inland. They also trigger deadly floods, tornadoes, landslides and torrential rains.  The tips below can help you, your family, and your firm prepare for a variety of natural disasters.  

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Ensuring A Safe Vacation!

For the safety of everyone aboard, it is vital to keep up on routine car care—especially during the vacation season. Here are some basics that every driver should know. For more information, consult your owner’s manual. Car Care Basics to Keep You Safe Test tire pressure at least monthly. The recommended pressure level is on…

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Is Your Firm Eligible for a Premium Credit?

Victor now offers a premium credit for your CNA professional liability insurance—an up-front reduction of 5% in the cost of insurance—for firms with good claims records that can show they meet certain risk mitigation criteria in their current practice management procedures. The credit is available to all but the largest firms insured in the Victor…

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Tire Safety—Tracking the Evidence

You may think your car tires are dependable—but don’t be fooled by good looks. Traffic safety experts now recognize that the age of a tire significantly affects performance. Old tires—even with good tread—can blow out or suddenly lose pressure, causing serious crashes. Some tires show their age—turning brown, cracking and bubbling—but others look fine. When…

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Planning to Travel?

Wondering how to outsmart travel woes? Easy answer: quality insurance coverage. Whether planning the vacation trip of a lifetime or traveling the world for your architectural firm, AIA members can now travel worry-free with two types of coverage at special member rates: Travel Insurance Select for trip interruption and cancellation insurance with emergency services; and,…

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