
Our extensive resource library covers every risk management topic to help you understand, avoid, and successfully deal with every type of risk.

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Why should Architectural Firms consider selling to an ESOP?
You checked nearly all the boxes: you toiled, you worked, and you’re seeing the next…
Financial Planning for Women
This podcast, presented by Equitable in conjunction with the AIA Trust, is designed to help…
Demystifying ESG for Design Firms: Risks and Opportunities
Simply put, ESG is an acronym that stands for environmental, social, and governance and is…
The Champlain Tower Collapse
Analysis and Lessons Learned for Professional Design Firms – Webinar for HSW Credit This webinar…
Practical & Tactical Retirement Planning Strategies for Architecture Firms
This webinar, presented by Equitable in conjunction with the AIA Trust, is designed to help…
Condominium Projects Webinar
If You Build It, They Will Sue The 90-minute webinar, “Condominium Projects: If You Build…
Webinar: The Risks and Rewards of Integrated Project Delivery
This webinar focuses on the unique risks and rewards that architects may face when participating…
Taking the Lead to Address Climate Change
As the climate changes and extreme climate variability characterizes our daily lives, design firms must…
Mediation for the Design Professional
Mediation is a cost-effective dispute resolution vehicle commonly used in clashes involving design professionals. It…
Insurance Beyond D&O
This webinar is about directors & officers (D&O), general liability and other insurances, plus types…
Creating and Maintaining a Professional Practice
Watch this archived webinar to learn what is needed to start and run a successful…
Managing Professional Exposures as a Small Project Practitioner
This 60-minute webinar on Managing Professional Exposures as a Small Project Practitioner presented by Frank…
The Changing Rules and Continuing Challenges of Employment Practices
This one-hour webinar will help architecture firms address how to handle the complexity of employment…
Get Ahead of Cyber Risk Webinar
Learn how to avoid the professional and business liability implications of this increasing digital threat.…
Virtual Architectural Practice–An Alternate Reality
Learn about the many benefits of a virtual practice approach–as well as the risks you’ll…
Structuring Success: How to Start and Run Your Own Firm
Starting an architectural firm is a challenge; structuring it to survive is a formidable task.…
Blockchain 101
Understanding blockchain technology and potential use cases and applications that could impact architects is the…
Healthcare Coverage For Individuals and Sole Proprietors
This 30-minute webinar about healthcare coverage for individuals and sole proprietors is presented by Pendella*…
Healthcare Coverage For Firms with Employees
This 30-minute webinar about health care coverage for firms and employees is presented by Get…
Negotiating Contracts: Understand Your Risks
Architects are often faced with unreasonable contractual provisions generated by prospective clients or their attorneys.…