Topic: Firm management

What is Key Person Life Insurance?

Key Person Insurance is life insurance coverage usually owned by the business on the key individuals within that business. In a small business, or firm, this individual is normally the owner/cofounder of the business, managing partner, and/or person responsible for the majority of profits. These key people are crucial to the business and without them…

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Claims Defense Documentation

The compelling report, Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Claims Defense Documentation, addresses documentation by the architect, centering on the presumption, “If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen.” The paper is a guideline for managing your documentation with helpful suggestions for beneficial recordkeeping and documents retention and retrieval for an effective claims response in the event…

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Back to Basics: An Effective Risk Management Program

A successful risk management plan requires consideration of exposure, capability, responsibility, and power. Regardless of how a firm positions itself and selects its clients, a carefully crafted risk management program is the basic foundation for a firm’s ultimate survival and a major contributor to a firm’s success and profitability.

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Claims Studies & Guides

Claims happen. It’s important to understand why, how to reduce your risks in advance of a potential claim, and how to handle one when you must. A general guide to assist the member in the handling of a claim, from anticipating, reporting & managing a claim, including utilizing pre-claim assistance, to defending against a claim,…

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Practice Forms

Handy tools to help you manage your risks Dramatic changes in the economy mean that firms are taking on more risk.  Here are some tools to help you & your firm to evaluate and manage potential risk: Project forms Project Intake Checklist—This form may help you & your firm to evaluate and manage potential risk.…

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