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AIA members benefit most from these products.
When you join AIA, you’re joining a community with global reach—and so much more.
First time members receive a free 3‑month trial to Legaline, and may be eligible for free life insurance. To be eligible for Legaline, you must be a new AIA member within the last 6 months. Life Insurance enrollment is available during the first 45 days of your AIA membership. Write “new member” at the top of the subscriber agreement.
The following products are for you!
First time members receive a free 3‑month trial to Legaline, and may be eligible for free life insurance.
To be eligible for Legaline, you must be a new AIA member within the last 6 months. Life Insurance enrollment is available during the first 45 days of your AIA membership. Write “new member” at the top of the subscriber agreement.
Have you checked out Legaline?
Legaline gives you access to professionals who can help you manage risks and minimize claims, whether you’re dealing with clients, contractors, employees, or others.
Travel Insurance
Planning a getaway is so exciting that you don’t want to imagine anything going wrong. But even the best laid travel plans can suddenly go awry due to illness, family emergencies, weather, or other unpredictable circumstances.
Dental Insurance
Help protect your long‑term health while saving on expensive dental services for yourself and your family, including regular and specialty care. Click the link below to get started or keep scrolling to discover all the details!
Cash Balance Plan
A cash balance plan may be suitable for business owners that want to accelerate their retirement savings while offering potential tax benefits.
Health Care Coverage
Selecting the right health insurance plan for your firm or family can be a difficult process. Now, you don’t have to do it alone.
Group Employee Term Life & AD&D Insurance
Enhance your architecture firm’s compensation package with a value‑added benefit that can attract, retain, and motivate employees.
Trip Cancellation Insurance
Before embarking on your next adventure, protect yourself and your investment with travel insurance.
Global Emergency Medical Assistance Services
What happens if you have an accident or medical emergency far from home? With Global Travel Plus, AIA members have annual coverage at discounted pricing for emergency medical assistance services.
Key Person Term Life Insurance
When a firm loses a leader or top earner, it can leave an emotional void and mean great financial hardship. Key Person Term Life Insurance helps you compensate for lost income while helping your firm move forward.
Retirement Planning
Your goal is to provide your employees with a retirement plan that is easy to use, meets their financial targets, and stays up‑to‑date with their lives.
Investment Edge
Investment Edge is a variable annuity designed to take advantage of smart diversification and tax‑deferred growth during your wealth‑building years, followed by tax‑efficient distributions when you need retirement income.
AIA Component 401(k) Plan
What makes 401(k) plans so popular? Contribution flexibility and high contribution limits.
Safe Harbor 401(k)
You may be familiar with 401(k) retirement plans. But a Safe Harbor 401(k) plan is different.
New Comparability Plans
New Comparability Plans, also known as cross‑tested plans, enable firm owners to divide plan participants into designated groups, such as ownership, job function, and tenure.
Structured Capital Strategies
Structured Capital Strategies is a tax‑deferred variable annuity that can help you grow your retirement assets and address the ups and downs of a fluctuating market.
Owners 401(k)
Good news for one‑person firms: You can now contribute more pre‑tax dollars for retirement than ever before.
Pet Health Insurance
We expect to spend on our pets’ food, toys, and basic care. But when illnesses or emergencies arise, veterinary costs can skyrocket quickly.
Cyber Liability Insurance
If your firm uses design software or stores data online, you’re vulnerable to a cyberattack. Any breach of your system could result in catastrophic losses in finances, data, reputation, and productivity while you recover and realign your defenses.
Employee Disability Insurance
Employee benefits allow a firm to attract and retain key employees. A Group Employee Disability Insurance Plan can provide your employees with up to 66.67% of their income should a disabling illness or injury prevent them from being able to perform the duties of their job.
Disability Income Insurance
You may have some disability insurance through your employer. But it may not be enough—especially if your income and living expenses have increased over the years.
Business Overhead Disability Insurance
If a disabling injury or illness leaves you unable to work, the financial impact can devastate your business, especially for sole practitioners and single‑professional firms. Click the link below to get started or keep scrolling to discover all the details!
Group Term Life Insurance
You can take a simple step now to help ensure your family’s finances are taken care of in the event of your passing. Click the link below to get started or keep scrolling to discover all the details!
Auto & Home Insurance
Unlock Exclusive Insurance Discounts and Tailored Coverage Options for Auto & Home Insurance using Farmers Insurance Choice.
Long Term Care Insurance
About 70% of people over age 65 need long‑term care that often isn’t covered by standard medical insurance. Some people need this care all of their lives.
AD&D / High Limit Accident Insurance
Accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. (CDC/NCHS) You may not be able to prevent an accident from happening to you, but you can help prepare your family for what comes next.
Business Owners Insurance
What would happen if your office space suddenly suffered significant damage? What if your team lost valuable documents, or a client suffered an injury walking in for a meeting?
Professional Liability Insurance
For maximum protection and security, insure your firm with one of the broadest professional liability forms in the industry.