Topic: Life & Health

Life & Health Safety & Other

Springtime Safety and Maintenance Tips

Ready for spring? After such a tough winter, we all are. But before we can fully enjoy springtime, we may first need to clean up some of the damage caused by winter. You can prepare for the upcoming season with these spring home maintenance tips. Siding and Roofing—Check your siding and roofing for loose materials,…

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Why Would You Need Disability Insurance If You Have It at Work?

If you have disability insurance at work, you may think there isn’t any reason to buy a policy on your own; however, employer disability coverage may not be enough to address your needs. Having disability insurance at work is a great start since the policy can help financially if you become sick or injured and…

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Planning to Have an Accident?

Of course not. No one plans an accident and while it is not plausible to presume one can escape an accident, it is entirely possible to prepare for it. Most people don’t understand the importance of having accident insurance. While auto insurance helps in the event of an accident, it may not cover all the…

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Disabled Architect Illustrates Disability Risks

In December 2007, the sky seemingly fell on 39-year-old architect Robert Woo near ground zero while he sat in his trailer office working as associate architect on the Goldman Sachs office tower project. A crane cable snapped, dropping 7 tons of steel from a 25-floor elevation onto Woo’s trailer. Lucky to be alive at all,…

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Life & Health Safety & Other

Insuring Against College Calamities

If you’re the parent of dependent college students living away from home, you may not be aware that your homeowner’s policy will cover their personal property and personal liability. Personal property coverage Although limits and coverage vary by state, as long as your children’s permanent residence is your home, their personal property is automatically covered…

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An Accident-Free Workplace

National Safety Month focuses on preventative measures that employees can take to maintain an accident-free workplace. In keeping with that mission, here are some best practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine to ensure the safety of you and your colleagues.

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Life & Health Safety & Other

Preventing Road Rage

How can you manage anger or defuse a scary encounter on the road? An expert, Dave Melton, Transportation Safety Specialist at the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, says “Every day, thousands of drivers experience some form of road rage or aggressive driving.” Melton offers steps for avoiding a road rage situation—or getting away from…

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Life & Health

The Advantages of Securing Your Family’s Future

How do you ensure your family maintains their standard of living if they have to live without you and without your income? When there isn’t enough life protection, surviving loved ones often face very difficult circumstances, having to take out loans, move to smaller, less expensive housing, work additional jobs or longer hours, or forego…

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Employee Benefits Life & Health

Protect Your Income: Disability Insurance

Disabilities happen every day. According to the Disability Status Report published in 2010 by Cornell University, 40.4% of Americans between the age of 21 and 64 with a disability are unemployed. While these are not things we like to hear and talk about, these are numbers we cannot and should not ignore. Many people believe…

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Employee Benefits Help Maintain Firm Success

Your firm’s success relies on the talent, experience, and dedication of your employees. Without them, your firm may not succeed—which is why most consider their employees to be their most valuable asset. Offering your employees good benefits, including salary, health care coverage, and retirement incentives is key to retaining your top employees and in return,…

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